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The SHARK Management System – or SMS for short

Perfect interaction with our partner companies requires defined processes and well-functioning structures. This results in synergies, competitive advantages and strengths from which our customers benefit. For some years now, the SHARKGROUP as a group of companies has therefore relied on SMS with considerable success. The main focus of SMS is on the efficient organization of processes and clear guidelines for cooperation. In addition to general information and regulations, this also includes the permanent striving for progress, because those who want to lead must not stand still: The areas of product training, CIP and our SHARKnet play a central role here and aim at permanent improvement of the group performance.

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Product training

  • Learn from the best

  • Unique structure of expertise

  • Versatile and multi-faceted training


  • Two ideas per employee per week

  • Identify and utilise potential for improvement

  • Mutual inspiration


  • Company-specific software applications

  • Tasks and progress documented

  • Interactive interaction

Product training

SHARKGROUP AG advises companies on all aspects of flooring. In addition to excellent products, we attach great importance to expertise. For this reason, we have formed a partnership with leading companies in this industry.
Our employees are true floor professionals - sought-after specialists and coriphaen in their field. From the ground up, they have developed products, set new standards in the marketplace and made a significant impact on the industry. Learning from their knowledge and benefiting from their experience allows us to build up a unique know-how. Seeing how much heart and soul goes into the products brings not only a lot of insights but also motivation in our consulting work and a brilliant team spirit.

For the employees of our partner companies as well as our own employees we regularly conduct e intensive product trainings as well as spontaneous ad hoc trainings. In addition to presentations, we work with catchy pictures, product samples, short stories and experiments to present the extensive information in an entertaining way. The great effort is worth it, because only the best can sufficiently accompany and advise our customers.


Again and again you hear the term, which came to Switzerland from Japan in the 1980s as part of Kaizen and characterizes continuous improvement in product, process and service quality.
Continuous Improvement Process - We take this literally and integrate CIP into our daily work. In this way, we try to become a little better every day. In concrete terms, this means that every employee collects at least two ideas or suggestions for improvement every week, so-called CIPs. These are regularly discussed in the department meeting and implemented in the short term.

With this procedure, we have found a very successful way to remain attentive at all times, to uncover and eliminate possible weak points or to discuss and integrate completely new inputs. One is amazed that even after weeks, months and years, new opportunities for improvement always open up.
Our employees inspire each other and are thus the best consultants a company could wish for!


Another constantly present asset is our SHARKnet. This software application has been precisely programmed and tailored to our business needs and special processes. It gives transparency to everyday business processes, projects and tasks, enabling them to be constantly monitored and worked on by the relevant employees. It brings together the tasks of office-based and field staff in a single system and documents individual steps. It makes communication between teams in different locations far more efficient.

This interactive cooperation between the individual employees and teams results in a lower error rate, enhanced quality and valuable savings of both time and money. A new SHARKnet version is currently being programmed, which will once again raise project management activities and internal communication to a new level.


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